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Evaporative cooling system for gestating and lactating sows: a systematic review

Sistema de resfriamento evaporativo para porcas gestantes e lactantes: uma revisão sistemática


Climatic characteristics of the production sites of pigs influence the yield of the system, with breeding sows being a category extremely sensitive to high temperatures, especially when their upper critical temperature is reached. This review evaluated the effects of the evaporative cooling system on environmental, physiological and performance parameters in breeding sows. By means of this review, a bibliographic search was performed using the following keywords: sow; swine; gilt and pig combined individually with the expression ‘evaporative cooling’. A total of 11 papers met the prerequisites determined to compose the systematic review and the studies involved gestating and lactating sows maintained in environments that presented ambient temperatures between 21.5 and 34.8 °C and relative humidity between 32.2 and 84.2%. The evaporative cooling system was used in order to cool the macro or micro environment. It can be concluded that the use of evaporative cooling system promotes increase in feed intake per lactating sow, decrease in weight loss in lactation, increase of weight of piglets at weaning, temperature reduction of the barns and decrease of the respiratory rate of the sows. For gestating sows, no changes in reproductive performance were reported.

Key words:
environment; heat; reproduction; sows; swine production

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil