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Maternal glucocorticoid in vital parameters of full-term and preterm lambs

The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of glucocorticoids on vital parameters of full-term and preterm lambs from birth to 48 hours of life. Four experimental groups were formed: NDG (normal delivery group - lambs vaginally delivered, n=15, average of 146-day gestation); NDEXG (normal delivery with dexamethasone group - lambs vaginally delivered whose mothers received 16mg of dexamethasone at 141 days of gestation, n=8, average of 143-day gestation); PRE (premature lambs born by cesarean section at 138 days of gestation, n=10) and PREDEX (premature lambs born by cesarean section at 138 days gestation, whose mothers received 16mg of dexamethasone two days before, n=9). Heart and respiratory rates had variations during the observation period, with the highest mean values in the groups of normal deliveries (NDG and NDEXG). Rectal temperature decreased in all groups in the first 60 minutes of life, with the lowest mean values in premature lambs (PRE and PREDEX) and the Apgar score was higher in animals delivered at normal gestational time. Preterm lambs had lower vitality and chance of survival, however, lower mortality rate was observed in offspring of ewes that received dexamethasone two days before surgery.

apgar; lambs; dexamethasone; premature; vitality

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil