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The policy analysis matrix with profit-efficient data: evaluating the profitability of lemon cultivation in Turkey

A matriz de análise de políticas com dados de eficiência de lucro: avaliando a lucratividade do cultivo de limão na Turquia


In this study, the policy analysis matrix (PAM) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) approaches were used to assess lemon producers’ productivity in Mersin, Turkey, as well as the international competitiveness of lemon cultivation within the scope of its production plan. According to the findings, most enterprises are inefficient, and the profitability of lemons improved from 2863.5 USD ha-1 to 6606.0 USD ha-1 with special prices within the framework of profit-maximising production plans. Regarding social prices, an increment from 3500.8 USD ha-1 to 8071.5 USD ha-1 was proposed to create a more sustainable production plan. To retain competitiveness in the Turkish lemon trade, it has been established that enterprises should transition to a more efficient production structure. For this reason, it has been concluded that inefficiencies in using inputs should be eliminated, and the dissemination of technology and advanced applications will make producers more competitive.

Key words:
Lemon; data envelopment analysis; efficient production plans; competitiveness

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil