In vitro propagation via somatic embryogenesis is an efficient alternative to large-scale propagation of plant material. Nevertheless, there are no reports of development of complete somatic embryogenesis protocols, with plant production of lettuce. This study aimed to establish lettuce in vitro propagation of Paris White and Red Salad Bowl genotypes, evaluating embryogenic callus induction, somatic embryos regeneration and subsequent conversion into plants. For somatic embryogenesis induction, two sources of explants (whole and sectioned cotyledons) were grown on MS medium containing 10.75µM NAA and 0.89µM BA. Callus proliferation occurred in MS medium supplemented with 24µM AIA and 0.15µM BA. For somatic embryos maturation and conversion into plants, we used MS medium devoid of growth regulator under three conditions: semi-solid medium with and without activated charcoal, and liquid medium. The sectioned explant source was statistically superior only for genotype Paris White. For somatic embryos regeneration, we observed that, in genotype Paris White, the liquid medium was statistically higher than semi-solid media, and for genotype Red Salad Bowl, activated charcoal-added semi-solid medium was the better. Considering the potential commercial applicability of somatic embryogenesis for seedlings mass production of lettuce Paris White genotype, somatic embryos induction, proliferation, maturation and conversion into plants protocols were adequate, especially in liquid system.
Lactuca sativa; somatic embryo; micropropagation