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Agronomic characteristics of wheat cultivars in response to the time of nitrogen fertilizer covering

The wheat cultivars differ in terms of tiller emission, plant architecture and growing cycle duration. Such differences may interfere in the ideal period to side-dress N to optimize the crop agronomic performance. This experiment was aimed at identifing the effects of timing of N side-dress on the main stem and tiller dry matter accumulation, grain yield and kernel protein content of three wheat cultivars. A field trial was conducted during the 2003 growing season, in the city of Lages, SC. Nitrogen was applied at four different times: 3,5, 5,5, 7,5 and at booting growth stages of the Haun's Scale. Three cultivars were evaluated: 'BRS 179', 'Fundacep' and 'Rubi'. The experiment was installed over a common bean straw on 07/11/2003. The total nitrogen rate was 70kg ha-1 with 20kg ha-1 being applied at sowing and 50kg ha-1 side-dressed according to the treatment time. Regardless of cultivar type, early nitrogen side-dresses, performed at the 3,5 and 5,5 Haun's growth stages, provided higher values of grain yield. When N was applied at those growth stages, tillers had a greater contribution to grain yield and there was a higher number of kernels produced per area. The cultivar Fundacep 36 presented the highest grain yield and the lowest kernel protein content, considering the average of four times of N side-dress. There was no significant effect of time of N fertilization on kernel protein content.

Triticum aestivum; nitrogen; genotype; grain yield; protein content

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil