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Thoracoscopy in horses: technique and its use as pleural cavity evaluation method

Thoracoscopy is the technique based upon the thoracic cavity visualization by means of rigid or flexible endoscope. It is indicated as an additional diagnostic aid to better define thoracic diseases. It can be performed either in an animal subjected to general anesthesia or in a horse standing on stocks with local anesthesia with or without sedative. Six healthy horses were used in this study they were subjected to thoracoscopy in both hemithorax, standing on stocks, with a 15-day interval between each procedure. It was possible to visualize several thoracic structures through the 13th intercostal space aproach, such as: diaphargma (muscular and tendineous portions), esophageus hiatus, mediastinum, aorta, vagus nerve dorsal and ventral trunk, thoracic ductus, azigus vein, intercostal veins and muscles, ribs, sympathetic nervous trunk, thoracocervical vascular trunk, trachea, lungs (cranial and caudal lobes), esophagus, pericardium, caudal cava vein, phrenicus nerve and aortic linphonodes. Slight alterations were observed in physical, laboratorial and ultra-sonographic exams during pos operative period those alterations did not compromise either this experiment development or the animals well being. By being an easy and fast procedure wich allows pleural cavity broad visualization and pacient minimal trauma, thoracoscopy makes itself a great diagnostic aid exam.

equine; endoscopy; torax

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil