The aim of the present research was to verify the in vitro growth of orchids in different systems of micropropagation, being cultivated in a bioreactor, with natural ventilation and conventional systems. Cattleya walkeriana plants were obtained from the germination of seeds in culture medium. After 8 months, seedlings with 1 cm of length were placed in a culture vessel according to the treatments, which counted with two micropropagation systems (conventional and natural ventilation) in three media of culture (liquid, solid with 5 or 6g L-1 of agar). Two additional treatments in bioreactor of temporary and continuous immersion were performed. The design was entirely randomized (ERD), consisting of a 2x3 factorial with two additional treatments, totaling 8 treatments with three repetitions. The temporary immersion bioreactor promoted a bigger growth of the aerial part and of the root system, bigger accumulation of dry mass and better control of water loss by the plants. The temporary immersion bioreactor is the best micropropagation system for the C. walkeriana growth in vitro.
bioreactor; temporary immersion; liquid medium; natural ventilation; in vitro culture