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Exercise intensity, but not electrolyte reposition, alters plasmatic cortisol and glucose levels of horses submitted to 30 and 60km distance endurance rides

A intensidade do esforço, mas não a reposição eletrolítica, altera as concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol e glicose de eqüinos em provas de enduro de 30 e 60km

This study was aimed at comparing cortisol and glucose plasmatic levels in a group of trained horses submitted to 30 and 60km endurance exercises, at the average speed of 10 and 15km h-1, respectively. The horses were randomly divided in two groups, one treated, orally, with a hypertonic electrolyte paste before, during and after the tasks and the other used as control. Cortisol data revealed significant increase in the first moment when the intensity of the exercise was higher (15km/h) or with the prolongation of it (30km long), in the second moment to all groups. Glucose data remained constant during 30km ride; however after 20km distance, in 60km ride, it revealed a significant increase in control group, returning to basal levels in the subsequent moment. Electrolyte replenishment has its importance in the maintenance of the hidroelectrolyte and acid-base status and, in this study, may have contributed to the homeostasis of glucose levels.

electrolytes; endurance; cortisol; glucose

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil