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Study of the live weight components in Corriedale lambs

In order to obtain subsidies to a retail system based on the whole animal, this study compares the weight of live components of lambs, male (castrated) and female, of the Corriedale breed, at three different slaughter ages. Animais were raised under range conditions on native pasture, at Aceguá region, Bagé county in southern Brazil. Sixteen lambs (60) bom in August 1994 and slaughtered twenty at a time (10 males + 10 females), choosing always the heaviest ones, at the following ages: 03/04/95, 08/05/95 and 05/05/95. There was a siaughtering time effect upon live weight and its components. In absoluto values (kg) slaughtering time influenced live weight, carcass weight, green víscera, head, legs, lungs with trachea, hearth and kidneys. It carne out that animais slaughtered in the first group (April) showed a heavier live and carcass weight than those slaughtered in the second group (May) and these were heavier than the ones slaughtered in the third group (June). The heaviest lambs, with exception of the hearth, showed higher weights of their body components. There was a sex effect too, upon live weight, green víscera, head, legs, tiver and kidneys. In either, absoluto or percentile values, males were heavier than females. It is concluded that slaughter time and sex of the individuais are elements to be considered to obtain uniform carcasses. an importam aspect to retail and acceptance by the consumer.

sheep; live weight components; effect sex

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil