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Action of systemic non-selective herbicides on soybean progeny when applied during reproductive period of mother plants

The purpose of ïhis research was to evaluate germination of soybean seeds and initial development of seediings, whose mother plants were treated with sub-rates of svstemic nonselective herbicides during late stages of development. Field, laboratory, and greenhouse experiments were carried ouï aï Agronomy School of UFRGS, in Porto Alegre, RS, during the period 1995/97. Treatments consisted offield appiications of the herbicides 2,4-D at rates of 5 and l0g/ha a. e., imazapvr at 25 and 50g/ha a.e., and sulfosate at 25 and 50g/ha a.e. The se herbicides were sprayed eiïher at beginning of flowering (R1 stage) or at beginning ofpod development (R3 stage) of soybean plants. It was proved that appiication of imazapyr on sovbean plants at beginning of pod development decreased germination of seeds formed on those plants. The appiication of 2,4-D and sulfosate did not ajfect soybean seed germination, at tested rates, independentiy if appiied eiïher at beginning of flowering or pod development of the mother plants. Seediing ïzeight, dry matter of shoots, of roots and total dry matter of seediings of the progeny were not affected by herbicides appiied at Ri and Rs stages of sovbean plants. However, sprayings of herbicides 2,4-D (at 5 and l0g/ha a.e.), imazapyr (at 25 and 50g/ha a.e.), and sulfosate (at 25 and 50g/ha a.e.), appiied at beginning of pod development of mother plants, in general reduced hvpocotyl and root lengtli of sovbean seed-lings of tire progeny.

2,4-D; imazapyr; sulfosate; seed Sgermination; seediing development

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil