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Fatty acid profile intramuscular fat meat of cull cows from different genetic groups feedlot finished slaughtered with distinct weights

The Longissimus dorsi marbling fatty acid profile of crossbred cull cows, from the second (G2- 3/4Charolais (C) Nellore (N) and 3/4NC) and third (G3 - 5/8CN and 5/8NC) generation of Charolais - Nellore rotational crossbreeding, feedlot finished and slaughtered with 465, 507 and 566 kg were evaluate. At the beginning of the experiment the average age, weight and body condition were, respectively, 8.5 years, 388.6kg and 2.35 points. The diet, with 48:52 roughage:concentrate ratio, contained 12.5% crude protein and 2.99Mcal of digestible energy per kg of dry matter. The fatty acids saturated C14:0 (myristic) and C16:0 (palmitic) reduce the his participations in 19 and 10%, respectively, with the amplification of the weight of slaughter of 465 about to 566kg, even behavior observer about to the C18:0 (stearic). There was minor representation of the acids saturated detriment insaturad with the increase of the weight of slaughter, being the association negative (r=-0.61; P=.01) among the marbling and the fraction of fat saturated on fat intramuscular of the muscle Longissimus dorsi. The meat from the culls 3/4NC presented major fraction from the fatty acids palmitic and palmitic-oleico. These was reduction of the participation of the fatty acid pentadecanoic and palmitic-oleico, and increase of the fraction of the fatty acid stearic from G2 about to G3. The increase of the weight of culls cows appease a profile of fatty acid from fat intramuscular of the Longissimus dorsi beneficial on the health human reducing the participation of fatty acids hipercolesterolemics and increase the hipocolesterolemics. The culls cows 3/4Charolês 1/4Nelore they presented high fraction of fatty acid palmitic and palmitic-oleico, while the 5/8Charolês 3/8Nelore presented demonstrate high concentration of stearic. Animals from third generation of the Charolais - Nellore rotational crossbreeding, presented meat with low concentration of the fatty acid palmitic-oleico and high of stearic.

Charolais; composition fat; crossbreeding; cull females; insatured fat; Nellore

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil