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Geographic Information System and satellite image to analyse the Arroio do Meio microbasin land use - Santa Maria - RS

Geographic Information System (GIS) and satellite image were tested to analyze the current land use and automatic localization of areas where conflicts between present land use and land capability occurence, in Arroio do Meio watershed. Geoprocessing techniques map algebra, consultation database and image reclassification were used. The watershed object of this study was chosen because it is considered by many authors, the best unit for social and economic planning and development of population of rural areas. In the studied microbasin: 555ha was covered by forests (24% of the total area). Cultivated crops occupy 1.314ha, 56% of the microbasin. Glassland covers 184ha (8% of the total area). The flooded areas represent 11% of the area of the microbasin, with 265ha. The use of 31ha could not be detected with accuracy due to shadowing. In areas with steepness above 47%, 32ha were detected without forest cover, totalizing 1,4% of the area of the microbasin. With slopes above 30%, 71ha (3%), are used for agriculture. Areas with Phaeozems and leptosols (Ciríaco-Charrua mapping units) with slopes above 30% and without forest coverage performe 14ha (0,6%). Areas with conflict use reached only 5% of the total area, indicating that in most of the microbasin, the land is being used in agreement with its capability.

geographic information system; satellite image; land use

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil