The software tool for data analysis from experiments performed in a randomized block design, by the usual manner and by the Papadakis method, was developed in its first version (unpublished), in the Pascal programming language. Whereas the Papadakis method was efficient for the major crops (corn, soybeans, beans and wheat) and because of its friendly software tools, the Pascal version was reprogrammed in Java, whose name is DelPapa. This software tools <> makes the analysis of variance according to a randomized block design by usual manner (estimate the genetic parameters, the accuracy measurements and the verification of assumptions for analysis of variance) and by the method of Papadakis. Using the adjusted means for the covariate (mean of errors of the neighboring plots), the Scott and Knott grouping test (P=0.05) is also carried out.
experimental precision; spatial variation; accuracy measurements; analysis of variance.