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Two arthroscopic approaches for the shoulder joint in dog

This research was aimed at studing in dog corpses the feasibility of the exam of the intrarticular structures by using two different arthroscopic shoulder approaches. The joints were assembled in two groups: (A) the arthroscopic portal was established cranially and the instrumental portal caudally to the acromial process; (B) the arthroscopic portal was established caudally and the instrumental portal cranially to the acromial process. At the time of the exam the possibility of arthroscopic visualization concurrently with the touch with the probe of the intra articular structures was evaluated: humeral head cartilage (cranial, midlle and caudal), glenoid cavity, brachial biceps muscle tendon, subscapularis muscle tendon, medial and lateral glenohumeral ligament and caudal joint pouch. The intra articular structures situated in the cranial and middle side of the joint were better examined by approaching used in B group. On the other hand the structures localized in the caudal and middle portions of the joint were better inspected by approaching used in A group. However the lateral glenohumeral ligament was not completely checked neither using the A group approach nor using the B group approach.

arthroscopy; canine; shoulder joint

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil