Open-access Ecopathology of postweaning diarrhoea in pig farms of north Parana state, Brazil

Eighteen farms of swine, located on North Parana State, Brazil, were evaluated during the year of 1994. In the herd, at least 30 piglets per farm were evaluated from weaning up to 21 days after weaning. Three objective variables (mortality rate, diarrhoea ocurrence and daily weight gain) and nine explanatory variables (daily weight gain 21days after weaning, sow energy consumption, housing density, piglets/pen, % sneezing, % sniffling, feed consumption/day/lactant sow, lenght of feeder/piglet and sanitary break utilization) were evaluated. The variables were evaluated by a program developed by EMBRAPA/CNPSA. The risk factor with higher frequency was absence sanitary break (observed in 83.34% of the farms). Others factors (observed in 40-70%) were: high housing density, low sow energy consumption, low daily weight gain 21 days after weaning and high number of piglets per pen. The others variables were present at low level. The ocurrence of diarrhoea was founded in 50% of farms. The mortality rate was 2.97%, and the daily weight gain was 249 g/day. By the factors that were analysed, the farms were inserted in a map, indicating their location in the risk regions for diarrhoea incidence.

piglets; weaned pigs; risk factors; diarrhoea

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil
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