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A new, harmless, high-throughput endosperm-based DNA extraction method for wheat

Um método de extração de DNA novo, inofensivo e de alto teor de endosperma para o trigo


In this study, a non-destructive, high-throughput, endosperm-based DNA extraction method was developed. To verify the non-destructive nature of this method, a germination test was performed on 288 seeds after sampling their endosperm, which gave a seedling emergence rate that was higher (97.6%) than that of the control group (92%). To confirm the feasibility of the new method, DNA was extracted from plants of a BC1F2 population by two different methods, namely, from endosperm using our rapid, high-throughput method (ER-DNA) and from young leaves emerging from the same sampled seed using the CTAB method (LC-DNA). The ER-DNA was undetectable by agarose gel electrophoresis, but was found to be an adequate replacement for LC-DNA for the amplification and detection of simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Further analysis revealed that ER-DNA was generally suitable for the generation of specific 500-750-bp fragments, but not for the amplification of 1,000-2,000-bp fragments. Our rapid, high-throughput method therefore has no deleterious effects on wheat seeds and yields DNA for SSR genotyping that is a suitable alternative to traditionally obtained DNA.

Key words:
Wheat; Triticum aestivum; SSR; Segregation population

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil