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Physical and chemical attributes of the soil under grazing Areas of the Region of Micro Swamp Paraibano

The increased intensity of land use and declining native vegetation in northeastern Brazil have led to degradation of natural resources and in particular to the decline of soil fertility.The present study aimed to assess changes in soil physical and chemical properties in secondary areas of native forest and pasture in the microregion of swamp Paraiban. Three areas were selected in the Engenho Mineiro property, whose land area was classified as Alfissol, and represented by pasture grass Brachiaria ssp which is being explorated for over 25 years with clear signs of degeneration and the other by a area of secondary native forest. The design was completely randomized in a split-plot with five replications. Soil samples were collected from 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30cm. Due to the unevenness of the area proceeded collect in line in curve level, 10.0m apart from each other. The physical attributes evaluated were: bulk density and particle, total porosity, degree of flocculation, and totality native clay, degree of flocculation, aggregate dry and wet mean weight diameter and determination of the distribution of macro and micro aggregates separated by dry and wet. For the chemical attributes were determined pH values in water and calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, aluminum, hydrogen + aluminum, and organic matter (OM) for the areas and depths studied. The soils of, in general, showed low fertility. From the results, it was found that changes in the the original coverage cause an increase in pH and reduction in organic matter content. The area cultivated with pasture presented higher values of soil density, density of particles and reduction of total porosity. The change in the vegetation cover influenced the values of macro and micro aggregates in the studied environments. The use of segmentation by the toposequence positions in the landascape, use and depths, to the determine soil degradation, was efficient in evaluating the different depths of it. The management system used causes changes in the soil physical and chemical attributes that contribute to the process of soil degradation.

Brachiaria; compaction; degradation; stability of household; secondary forest; soil fertility

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil