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Measurement of heart size by VHS (vertebral heart size) method in healthy American pit bull terrier

In order to increase accuracy and reduce the subjectivity in the evaluation of radiographies, several methods have emerged. The most accepted of these methods is the Vertebral Heart Size method (VHS), or the heart's size versus the thoracic vertebra's unit. The intention of this research was to apply the VHS measurement method in clinically healthy American pit bull terrier, with the purpose of establishing the average VHS for this breed. Chest x-rays in lateral projection were taken, and these were empirically evaluated and measured so that a VHS value was obtained, as well as the thoracic depth/width (D/W) relation for each animal. None of the animals had abnormal results when evaluated via empiric analysis. VHS values had a normal distribution, as did D/W relations, with an average of 10.9±0,4 vertebrae for VHS and 0.80±0,07 for D/W relations. VHS values showed a significant difference (P>0.05) when compared to the results obtained by BUCHANAN & BÜCHELER (1995). However, VHS values in this study are similar to those described by several other authors, confirming the need to establish values of VHS for each breed.

heart; chest radiography; dog

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil