Open-access Hemodynamic and metabolic evaluation of ketamine and S(+) ketamine after volemic expansion with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0,4 and hypertonic saline solution

The objective of this study was to evaluate the hemodynamics and hemogasometrics effects, after the administration of hypertonic solution (NaCl 7.5%) or in association with hidroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (HES), in dogs with induced experimental hypovolemia and treated with racemic ketamine (RK) or S(+) ketamine (SK). After the hypovolemia induction, administration of NaCl 7.5% (4 ml kg-1) was performed in two groups called hypertonic S(+) group (HSG) and hypertonic racemic group (HRG), or NaCl 7.5% (4 ml kg-1) in association with HES, in the same ratio of removed blood, in two groups called hypertonic colloid S(+) group (HCSG) and hypertonic colloid racemic group (HCRG). After 30 minutes, it was administered by intravenous injection, SK (5tymg kg-1) in HSG and HCSG groups, or RK (10 mg kg-1) in HRG and HCRG groups. To evaluate the significance of the results, it was used One-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures and Student Newman Keuls method (P<FONT FACE=Symbol>£</FONT>0.05). The heart rate and the systolic arterial pressure were reduced after hypovolemia and administration of the RK. Mean and diastolic arterial pressure were reduced after hypovolemia and either SK or RK administration. The central venous pressure was increased after administration of the colloid. The cardiac output, index cardiac, and index systolic were reduced after hypovolemia in all groups and, after phase of expansion in HSG and HRG. The pulmonary arterial occlusion pressure was increased after colloid administration. The left ventricular work index was reduced after hypovolemia in HCSG and HCRG. The systemic vascular resistance index was increased after hypovolemia and decreased after administration of the SK. The CO2 concentration to the end of the expiration increased after administration of ketamine in HCSG and HCRG. Metabolic acidosis was observed after hypovolemia and after administration of ketamine in all groups. Ketamine in HSG and HRG produced respiratory acidosis. It has been concluded that the administration of NaCl 7.5% by itself or in association with HES immediately restores homodynamic and metabolic parameters of the hypovolemic patient. However, the administration of NaCl 7.5% does not increase the mean arterial pressure of these patients. The administration of either SK or RK produces similar homodynamic effects in hypovolemic patients.

hypertonic solution; hidroxyethyl starch; ketamine; dogs; hypovolemia

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil
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