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Feed system of free-choice using grounded or whole corn and protein concentrate for broiler chickens

The objetive of the experiment was to evaluate the conventional feed system or of free-choice using grounded or whole corn + protein concentrate for broiler chickens from l st to 45st day of age. The experiment was arranged as a complelely randomized desing at fatorial squeme (6 x 2), using 6 trials, 2 sex and 3 repetitions with 30 chickens for experimental unity. The trials were: T1 - com grounded + protein concentrais from l st to 45th day, supplied mixed; T2-com grounded + protein concentrate from l st to 45th day, supplied separated in two trugs: T3 - com grounded + protein concentrate suppleid mixed from 1st to 14th, and from 15st to 45th day, grain com + protein concentrate supplied mixed; T4 - com grounded + protein concentrate supplied separated from 1st to 14th day and from 15st to 45th day of age, grain corn + protein concentrate, supplied separated; T5- com grounded + protein concentrate supplied mixed from l st to 21th day and from 22st to 45th day, grain corn + protein concentrate supplied mixed: T6 - corn grounded + protein concentrate supplied separated from 1st to 21th day, and from 22st to 45th day of age, grain corn + protein concentrate supplied mixed. Al the conditions this experiment was conducted, we can conclude that: grain corn can be supplied mixed to broilers chickens with the concentrate from 15th day; the corn grounded didn't show good results of performance on feed program of free choice, the chickens feeded with corn grain showed higher weighl of gizzard and accumulated more abdomimal fat. The use of grain corn, althought considerated showed performance a littte bit worsl, can be considerate satisfactory, been a way to small avian producers.

broiler chickens; free-choice feeding; whole corn; grain particle size

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil