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Health care and exposure to pesticides in periurban horticulture: the case of the Green Belt of the City of Cordoba, Argentina


This article aims to analyze health care and exposure to pesticides within the context of productive and reproductive practices or the everyday life of horticulturists in the Green Belt of the City of Cordoba (GBCC), Argentina, from the individual, particular and general domains as the comprehensive framework of health determining processes. An explanatory analytical study was implemented which included the use of mixed methodologies between 2013 and 2017. A triangulation analysis was carried out of the results of the quantitative and qualitative aspects. It was observed that the dominant agricultural productive model has determined the deterioration of the productive conditions and exposure to pesticides of the horticultural population of the GBCC. Deficient systems for regulating land use, weak legislation and control from the State in accordance with the context impact on everyday life and block the horticulturists’ individual health protection practices.

Key words
Social health determinants; Pesticides; Agricultural production; Urban agriculture; Ecological corridor

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