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Approaching the concept of mental health for indigenous peoples in Colombia


This study sought to perceive the concept of mental health from the perspective of Colombian indigenous peoples. A qualitative survey from a historic-hermeneutical standpoint was conducted by means of interviews with a stratified intentional sample of 10 leaders with experience in indigenous mental health. After being duly transcribed, interview materials were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Findings were structured around four analytical categories: mental health perspectives, elements, scenarios, and challenges. It was revealed that some indigenous people do not perceive mental health as an indigenous concept. Some perceive it from a morbicentric western perspective and others from an ancestral holistic standpoint. They describe positive elements (good living, spirituality, harmony with mother earth) and negative aspects (acculturation, discrimination, violence, disobedience). Mental health scenarios included the land itself and the health care system, in particular the Intercultural Indigenous Health System (SISPI). Challenges include the need to conduct more research on this topic, consolidating SISPI, and fostering ancestral knowledge.

Key words
Mental health; Culture; Colombia; Indigenous peoples

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