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Factors associated with family violence against adolescents based on the results of the National School Health Survey (PeNSE)


The study analyzes factors associated with family aggression against adolescents. Data from the National School Health Survey for 2015 were analyzed, and the prevalence of physical aggression per family was calculated according to four blocks. The bivariate analysis was performed, calculating the unadjusted Odds Ratio (OR) within each block and the multivariate regression. Familial aggression was reported by 14.5%. The variables associated with the model were: female, black, yellow, brown, mothers with no higher educational level, adolescent workers (OR 2.10 CI 95% 1.78-2.47). In the family context, they remained associated with aggression, lack of parents “understanding” (OR 1.71 CI95% 1.63 -1.80) and their intrusion into adolescent’s privacy (OR 1.80 CI95% 1.70 -1, 91). Report of missing school (OR1.43 CI95% 1.36-1.50). Among the behaviors: smoking (OR 1.23 CI95% 1.12-1.34), alcohol (OR 1.49 CI95% 1.41-1.57), drug experience (OR 1.24 CI95% 1, 15-1,33), early sexual intercourse (OR 1.40 CI95% 1.33 -1.48), reports of loneliness, insomnia and bullying (ORa 2.14 CI95% 2.00-2.30). It is concluded by the association between violence and gender, greater victimization of girls, living in unfavorable social and family contexts.

Domestic violence; Maltreatment; Adolescent; Smoking; Survey

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