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The Fiocruz archives: sources for research on science and health during the military dictatorship (1964-1985)


The scope of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the country’s political redemocratization process from the 1980s onwards and the issue of identification, preservation and access to the archives of information and security bodies that worked to combat the opponents of the authoritarian regime during the military dictatorship (1964-1985). It addresses the dictatorship’s action on university and scientific institutions, to highlight the importance of the archive of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, as well as the personal files maintained by scientists and donated to Casa de Oswaldo Cruz. It features archives and collections organized and available for public consultation, which can serve as research sources for historical studies on science and health during the dictatorship.

Key words:
Dictatorship archives; Personal papers; Military dictatorship; Historical sources; Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

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