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History and paradigms in Collective Health: record of a teaching experience

The paper describes a pedagogical experience at graduate level on the topic of History and Paradigms of Knowledge in Health. The experience originated in the first two courses at the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health, at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) (19921993) and later at the School of Medical Sciences, State University of Campinas (Unicamp) (19942006). The article highlights the contents of the two courses and presents some considerations about the relevance of the subjects that deal with the historical character of the areas of knowledge and provides feedback for reflection on the field of knowledge as a whole and its specific aspects.

Graduate course; Public Health; History and paradigms

ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Brasil, 4036 - sala 700 Manguinhos, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 3882-9153 / 3882-9151 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil