This article aims to analyze the differences between the prevalence of risk factors of non-communicable chronic disease by race/color. It is a cross-sectional study using data from a telephone survey of 45,448 adults. Prevalence ratios for chronic disease risk factors by race/color were calculated. After adjustments were made for education and income, race/color differences persisted. Among afro-descendant and mulatto women and mulatto men a higher prevalence ratio was identified of physical activity at work and physical activity at home. Afro-descendant women and mulatto men indulged in less physical inactivity. Mulatto men and women showed a lower prevalence of smoking and consumption of 20 cigarettes daily and lower consumption of fruit and vegetables. A higher consumption of full-fat milk with and beans was observed among afro-descendant and mulatto men. Afro-descendant women had a lower prevalence of drinking and driving. Afro-descendant women and men ate more meat with fat and afro-descendant men suffered more from hypertension. Differences in risk factors by race/color can be explained by cultural aspects, by not fully adjustable socioeconomic differences that determine less access to goods and less opportunities for the afro-descendant population.
Afro-descendant; Mulatto; Race; Risk factors; Inequalities