This study sought to assess the accessibility to the diagnosis of tuberculosis in health services in Victoria, state of Espírito Santo. It featured a cross-sectional study conducted in 2009 of patients with tuberculosis using the Primary Care Assessment Tool and statistical analysis with the Chi-square test (p <0,05). In relation to initial access to care, it was seen that the health service of first access most sought was Primary Care (37.6%), with most diagnoses occurring in the Tuberculosis Control Program Reference Units (61.3%). There was evidence of association between first health service accessed and the factors of time delay in: obtaining consultation at the first health service sought (p = 0.0182); diagnosis made by the first health service sought (p = 0.0001); request for sputum exam (p = 0,0003); request for X-ray exams (p = 0.0159); referral for X-rays at another institution (p = 0.0001); diagnosis by the same health service (p = 0.0001); exams conducted by the same health service that initially diagnosed tuberculosis (p = 0.0018); and proximity to the home (p = 0.0001). Therefore, the identification of important gaps in accessibility to diagnosis of tuberculosis seems to be related to the operational difficulties of organization of health care.
Tuberculosis; Access; Accessibility; Health Services; Diagnosis; Primary health care