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Development of a participatory research strategy involving autistic people with different levels of support needs


This article describes the development of a participatory methodological study involving autistic people with varying levels of support needs in the design and validation of an instrument devised to assess the effects of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic and the strategies used to cope with the crisis. The development of the instrument involved the following stages: Definition of the domains to be assessed (researchers in consultation with experts and autistic people); Design of the instrument (researchers with the co-participation of autistic people); Validation of the instrument (by experts and autistic people, led by the researchers); and Final approval of the instrument (co-participation between researchers and autistic people). In addition to making the instrument more robust, the participation of autistic people in the design and application of the instrument reinforced the importance of strategies to include autistic people in research as both study participants and co-researchers.

Key words:
Autism; International Classification of functioning; disability and health; Communication; Evaluation; Validation studies

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