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Evaluation of the National School Food Program: review of the literature


The National School Food Program (PNAE) constitutes an important strategy for the promotion of healthy eating. The objective was to perform a brief analysis of evaluative research on the PNAE. It involved a search of the literature from 2010 to 2015 in the Bireme and Scielo databases. Twelve articles were selected linked to the area, eight of which analyzed the insertion of the nutritionist in the PNAE; seven, to buy food from family farms; five, the implementation of School Food Councils; five, the compilation of menus; and four, funding destined for the PNAE. Problems in the performance of the nutritionist and the School Food Councils, on buying food from family farms and in the compilation of the menus (low fruit and vegetable content) were detected. The need for greater attention to execution of the PNAE was highlighted in order to ensure school food within guidelines that promote food and nutrition security. Further evaluation studies about the program are fundamental for the provision of subsidies to public managers for purposes of enhancing its implementation.

Key words
School food; Public health; Nutrition and food programs and policies

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