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Matricial support in workers' health: creating networks in primary care in the Unified Health System (SUS), the case of Amparo in the state of São Paulo

The Reference Center in Workers' Health of Amparo in the State of São Paulo promotes actions directed to workers' health in primary care. In order to understand the process, we conducted research in Matricial Support in Workers' Health, its trajectory, difficulties and potential, using a qualitative case study approach. The main matricial support activities are thematic meetings, informative bulletins and systematic support. The exchange of knowledge and experience leads to a closer bond between the professionals. Horizontal technical support brings about a reorganization of work in health, mutual responsibility for cases and a new outlook on illness by integrating assistance and surveillance actions. An excess workload, rotation of health professionals, undernotification of Work-Related Accidents and Diseases and regional organization are the challenges to be tackled. Matricial Support in Workers' Health is strategic for the insertion of such actions in primary care and represents a step forward in the reorientation of the assistential medical model, with the introduction of the work-health relationship in family health.

Workers' health; Unified Health System; Matricial support

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