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The conception of aging based on Kurt Lewin’s psychological field theory and group dynamics


The study sought to reflect on the applicability of Kurt Lewin’s psychological field theory to the conception of aging. It involved a reflexive approach to the use of Kurt Lewin’s field theory to define and legitimize the experience of aging, and as a strategy for qualifying health professionals as mediators in the dynamics of elderly people’s groups. It made it possible to observe that the elderly behave according to their perceptions and not in accordance with reality, react according to what is comfortable or not with their cognitions. Stimulating the elderly to make positive subjective interpretations of other people, things and the aging process induces the idea of satisfaction. And the dynamics of groups can foster the development of a collective action of discussion and reflection on aging. In this sense, the applicability of this theory to the experience of aging can enhance the perception of the elderly themselves as protagonists of interventions and endowed with judgments about well-being and the quality of life.

Key words
Aging; Elderly; Age groups; Health promotion

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