Open-access Do family doctors refer less? Impact of FCM training on the rate of PHC referrals


Objective: To evaluate the impact of family medicine residence on the PHC referral rate. Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study on 375.645 visits and 34.776 referrals by 123 PHC physicians in 2016, linking the referral rate to the characteristics of doctors (gender, age, family medicine training), patients (gender and age) and service (general population and working population). Results: Family and community medicine residency training had a significant reduction in PHC referral rate (2.86%), CI:(1.55;4.17), p < 0,0001. This reduction persisted in the multivariate analysis, after adjusting for all the possible confounding variables. No difference was found between the referral rates of doctors with and without family and community medicine (FCM) degree. Concerning referral to specialties, doctors with FCM residence training had lower rates of referral to gynecology, psychiatry and pediatrics and higher rates of referral to ophthalmology. Conclusion: The study showed that FCM residency significantly reduced PHC referral rates.

Key words Family and community medicine; Primary health care; Referral and visit; Medical residency

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