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Scientific disputes that spill over into Research Ethics: interview with Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo

This is an interview with Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo, by university lecturers Iara Coelho Zito Guerriero and Maria Lúcia Magalhães Bosi. It reflects the heat of the current debates surrounding implementation of a specific protocol for evaluation of research in the Human and Social Sciences (HSS), vis-à-vis the current rules set by the National Health Council, which have a clearly biomedical bias. The interview covers the difficulties of introducing appropriate and fair rules for judgment of HSS projects, in the face of a hegemonic understanding of the very concept of science by biologists and medical doctors, who tend not to recognize other approaches unless those approaches adopt their frames of reference. In this case, the National Health Council becomes the arena of this polemic, leading researchers in the human and social sciences to ask themselves whether the health sector has the competency to create rules for other areas of knowledge.

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