01 |
Silva Junior GB, Rolim ACA, Moreira GAR, Corrêa CRS, Vieira LJES. 2017 Trab Educ Saude
Identificação e notificação de maus-tratos em crianças e adolescentes por médicos de família o Ceará |
227 doctors |
To analyze the factors associated with the identification and reporting of child maltreatment during the everyday practice of primary care doctors |
02 |
Apostólico MR, Egry EY, Fornari LF, Gessner R. 2017 Rev Esc Enferm USP
Acurácia de diagnósticos de enfermagem para o enfrentamento da violência doméstica infantil |
26 nurses |
To assess nurses’ diagnoses of a hypothetical situation of domestic violence against children and respective degree of accuracy |
03 |
Schek G, Silva MRS, Lacharité C, Bueno MEM. 2017 Rev Lat Am Enferm
Organização das práticas profissionais frente à violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes no contexto institucional |
15 health and social service professionals |
To analyze the organization of practices for dealing with intrafamily violence against children and adolescents based on professionals’ perceptions |
04 |
Hohendorff JV, Patias ND, N. D. 2017 Rev Barbarói
Violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes: identificação, consequência e indicações de manejo |
Not applicable - narrative review |
To describe the concept of sexual violence against children and adolescents, its consequences, and guidance for managing the problem |
05 |
Egry EY, Apostólico MR, Morais TC. 2018 Cien Saude Colet
Notificação da violência infantil, fluxos de atenção e processo de trabalho dos profissionais da atenção primária em saúde |
25 health professionals |
To analyze child violence identification, reporting, and care protocols and referral decisions |
06 |
Platt VB, Back IC, Hauschild DB, Guedert JM. 2018 Cien Saude Colet
Violência sexual contra crianças: autores, vítimas e consequências |
Not applicable - document analysis |
To identify the characteristics of child sexual abuse reported in a referral service, including victim and perpetrator profile and associated factors |
07 |
Silva PA, Lunardi VL, Meucci RD, Algeri S. 2018 Invest Educ Enferm
Protection of children and adolescents victims of violence: the views of the professionals of a specialized service |
12 professionals working in a specialized social assistance referral center (CREAS) |
To understand the barriers to working in networks faced by professionals and the challenges of working in a CREAS in a municipality in the extreme south of Brazil |
08 |
Busato CA, Pereira TCR, Guaré RO. 2018 Rev Abeno
Maus-tratos infantis na perspectiva de acadêmicos de Odontologia |
363 dentist students |
To assess the knowledge of dentist students regarding child maltreatment |
09 |
Ferreira CLS, Côrtes MCJW, Gontijo ED. 2019 Cien Saude Colet
Promoção dos direitos da criança e prevenção dos maus tratos infantis |
Not applicable |
To identify the main characteristics of the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence against children and evaluate the efficacy of judicial interventions |
10 |
Martins-Júnior PA, Ribeiro DC, Peruch GSO, Paiva SM, Marques LS, Ramos-Jorge MLR. 2019 Cien Saude Colet
Abuso físico de crianças e adolescentes: os profissionais de saúde percebem e denunciam |
62 health professionals |
To assess whether health professionals recognize and report physical abuse of children and adolescents |
11 |
Santos LF, Costa MM, Javae ACRS, Mutti CF, Pacheco LR. 2019 Saude Debate
Fatores que interferem no enfrentamento da violência infantil por conselheiros tutelares |
16 professionals working in child protection services |
To present child protection officers’ perceptions of their role in cases of violence against children |
12 |
Silva PA, Lunardi VL, Meucci RD, Algeri S, Silva MP, Franciscatto FP. 2019 Invest Educ Enferm
(In) visibilidade das notificações de violência contra crianças e adolescentes registradas em um município do sul do Brasil |
10 professionals working in the child support network for victims of violence against children |
To understand health, education and social service professionals’ perceptions of reporting and recording violence against children and adolescents in a municipality in the south of Brazil |
13 |
Costa AP, Tinoco RLR. 2019 Rev Abeno
Maus-tratos infantis no currículo dos cursos de Odontologia do Rio de Janeiro |
200 dentist students |
To assess whether the curriculums of dentist degree courses in Rio de Janeiro equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with child maltreatment |
14 |
Cota ALS, Queiroz AMC, Remígio MMCJ, Reis DA, Kabengele DC. 2019 J Health Sci
Conduta do cirurgião-dentista frente à suspeita de maus-tratos contra crianças e adolescentes |
Not applicable - integrative review |
To provide guidance on the identification and reporting of child maltreatment to dentists |
15 |
Guimarães APA, Machado L, Ormeño, GIR. 2020 Rev Dialogia
Conhecimento de educadoras a respeito dos maus-tratos infantis: identificação e notificação de casos |
2 elementary school teachers |
To assess educators’ knowledge of child maltreatment |
16 |
Trindade AA, Hohendorff JV. 2020 Cad Saude Publica
Efetivação da Lei Menino Bernardo pelas redes de proteção e de atendimento a crianças e adolescentes |
16 professionals working in support networks for children in situations of risk |
To assess whether the support networks for children in situations of risk are organized to effectively implement the Boy Bernardo Law (Law 13010/2014) |
17 |
Costa VS, Aguiar RS. 2020 Res Soc Dev
Percepção da equipe multidisciplinar acerca dos cuidados à criança e ao adolescente vítima de violência |
Not applicable - integrative review |
To understand the perceptions of the members of a multidisciplinary team regarding the care provided to victims of child violence |
18 |
Corrêa F, Hohendorff JV. 2020 Estud Pesq Psicol
Atuação da delegacia de proteção à criança e ao adolescente em casos de violência sexual |
10 professionals working in a child protection office |
To understand the actions taken by a child protection office to deal with cases of sexual violence |
19 |
Batista MKB, Quirino TRL. 2020 Saude Soc
Debatendo a violência contra crianças na saúde da família: reflexões a partir de uma proposta de intervenção em saúde |
62 health professionals |
To bring family health team members closer to discussions about violence against children with a view to developing strategies to address the problem |
20 |
Demarco GT, Silva-Júnior IF, Azevedo MS. 2021 Rev Abeno
Conhecimentos e atitudes de cirurgiões dentistas da rede pública de Pelotas-RS frente aos maus-tratos infantis |
45 dentists |
To identify and analyze the knowledge and attitudes of dental surgeons working in the public health service in Pelotas-RS towards maltreatment |
21 |
Marques DO, Monteiro KS, Santos CS, Oliveira NF. 2021 Rev Enferm UFPE
Violência contra crianças e adolescentes: Atuação da enfermagem |
215 nurses |
To analyze the role family health nurses play in the identification and reporting of cases of violence against children and adolescents |
22 |
Nunes LS, Silva-Oliveira F, Mattos FF, Maia FBF, Ferreira EF, Zarzar PMPA 2021 Cien Saude Colet
Prevalence of recognition and reporting of child physical abuse by dental surgeons and associated factors |
181 family health strategy dentists |
To determine the prevalence of the identification and reporting of physical abuse of children by primary care dentists and associated factors |
23 |
Ricks L, Tuttle M, Ellison SE.
The Professional Counselor
Child Abuse Reporting: Understanding Factors Impacting Veteran School Counselors |
303 veteran school counselors |
To examine veteran school counselors’ knowledge of procedures and experiences with child abuse reporting |
24 |
Rios EB, Rodrigues GS, Rocha SA, Oliveira LFB. 2022 Rev APS
Conhecimento dos cirurgiões dentistas que atuam em unidades básicas de saúde frente aos abusos e maus-tratos infantis |
62 primary health care dentists |
To assess knowledge of child maltreatment among primary health care dentists in Montes Claros - MG |