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Indicators for teenager's oral health's surveillance


The existence of a few indicators that could guide the evaluation of oral health surveillance in the primary health care attention, mainly in adolescence life cycle, raised the realization of this study. To develop indicators to this end, it was conducted: document analysis to guide the development of a logic model and selection of data to compose indicators. This selection and validation of the logic model were performed by a group of four experts that, from the perspective of the modified Delphi method, analyzed if the model illustrated the activities, results and expected impact of a primary oral health service to enable the adolescents oral health surveillance and assigned points (0-10) to each data proposed. Then, those data judged important by the consensus of experts (média≥7; standard deviation <3) were used to construct indicators. After individual analysis and group discussions, the logical model and 36 of the 48 data, initially proposed, were consensually important, resulting in 26 indicators. The indicators matrix intends to be a situational diagnostic tool to assess, plan and manage health actions to adolescents, but it can be used in other life cycles by its adaptation.

Key words
Oral health; Information systems; Adolescents; Public health surveillance

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