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Reflections on comprehensive care in the ethnic-racial context: an integrating review


The objective of this article is to identify in the scientific literature affirmative care actions for the black population. This is an integrative review of the literature carried out in April 2017 at the Virtual Health Library (BVS), using LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences) and the Nursing Database (BDENF). Ten papers explored and shown in synoptic tables were used and analyzed through an instrument after taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Nine affirmative actions were listed to promote healthcare for the black population following the study of the papers. It is necessary, in both care and training spaces, to question the main demands against the context in which the black population is inserted, as well as the affirmative care actions for the black population to implement the principles of universality and integrality in health services to their full extent.

Key words
Black population; Collective Health; Comprehensive Care; Care

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