Open-access Experiment and learning in the affective and sexual life of young women from a favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with experience of clandestine abortion


This paper discusses the topic of first sexual intercourse in adolescence focusing on the course of ten young girls with experience of induced abortion living in a favela in Rio de Janeiro. The analysis uses the description of the process of entry into sexuality as a strategy to elucidate the context of pregnancy and the first clandestine abortion in the affective-sexual path of girls interviewed. The first sexual intercourse is a realm of sexuality and social life involving socialization, interpretation of rules and meanings, system of attitudes, ways of approximation, control and modeling of affections, emotions and gender relationships. The results showed that the age difference between couples in sexual initiation is significant, clarifying the context in which decisions on contraceptive methods, pregnancy and abortion were held. We noted that adolescents subject to difficult decisions about their sexuality and reproduction at a time of life where they still lack sexual and reproductive experience. The data collected show the importance of strengthening of public policies, discussions on gender and adolescent sexual and reproductive rights in many spheres of society, such as schools, family and other institutions.

First sexual intercourse; Youth; Gender; Sexual and reproductive health; Clandestine abortion

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