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Social representations of municipal health counselors on health surveillance


The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the social representations of the Health Counselors of the city of Belo Horizonte regarding their experiences with health surveillance. The research used the interview technique based on a semi-structured script. The data obtained were analyzed using the Collective Subject Discourse technique. It was found that the existing gap between health surveillance and the Municipal Health Council is offset by the broad spectrum of “hands-on” experience acquired by the counselors. This experience assumes greater significance in terms of practical knowledge, directly influencing the thinking and know-how of these individuals on the topic. In practice, proof of the social appropriation of the importance of health surveillance as health action qualifies as an effective model of health care. It effectively influences the determinants and conditioning factors of the health/sickness process, while simultaneously promoting educational initiatives that contribute to raising health awareness.

Key words
Social representations; Health surveillance; Health counselors

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