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A systematic review about the scientific production with focus on the relation between health and environment

The discussion on points linked to the interface between the environment and health has turned into a very important subject of interest nowadays. Thus, this article aims to show a survey of the national and international scientific production about this subject, in an attempt to identify the most frequent themes of this production. The data were collected during the months of March and April of 2005, from two homepages where scientific publications are available on the web, from which, 603 publications were used as analysis material, by means of categorization. The data showed that there is a very significant number of countries with scientific production on this area, being the most frequent the USA and Russia, whose most relevant theme area is related to risk evaluation. Brazil appears as the third most frequent country in terms of production and most of its work is directed to the study of vectors (transmitters) of infecting-contagious diseases. About the other countries, there is a diversification of lines of investigation. In general, it is perceived that the production of knowledge of this area still occurs in a very isolated and fragmented way, with little importance to the diversity of factors involved in the environmental questions, as well as with little space to interdisciplinary and inter sectorial work, so important in the analysis of the interface health-environment.

Health; Environment; Production of knowledge

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