This paper presents some relevant issues for the health services from the planning and management perspective while dealing with those work processes which produce health care and assistance. It contributes therefore with the study of the interfaces between management, planning and the labour process in health. Management is considered as a labour process itself, organising and executing health care submitted to a previous productive rationality. On the other hand, some majors problems of the health care and assistance are considered as potential issues to be included in management: the integration of health practices, dealing with the interdisciplinary nature of techniques and the multiprofissional health team, and the health care quality, from a technical scientific efficacy and communicative perspective. Labour is thus conceived as both productive action and interaction. That means considering the connections between the different professional works producing health care and assistance as well as considering those subjective interactions producing shared decisions and communication.
Management and Work in Health; Work and Interaction in Health; Planning in Health; Labour Process