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Consumption of non-standard medication in indigenous health: rational usage?


The study analyzed the consumption of non-standard medication in the health of indigenous peoples, emphasizing the rationality of pharmacotherapy, by conducting a cross-sectional study of secondary data from 2018 and 2019 in the Minas Gerais/Espírito Santo Special Sanitary Indigenous Health Districts. These medicines were classified by Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification. Non-parametric tests were applied to compare the origin of prescription and the form of acquisition, assessing access to medication. Rationality was verified through the consumption profile and the therapeutic option in the list of standardized medicines. A total of 104,928 pharmaceutical presentations were consumed, 66,967 (66%) for the alimentary tract and metabolism, 17,705 (17%) for the nervous system, and 12,961 (12%) for the cardiovascular system. With respect to medicines consumed per region, 171 (90%) out of 190 had a therapeutic option. Prescriptions were more from the SUS. Differences were found in the way the medicines were acquired. The study pointed to significant consumption of non-standard medicines, and there may be failings in therapeutic rationality. In indigenous health, ethnocultural and social issues are challenges to access to medicines with rational use.

Key words:
Rational use of medication; Unified Health System; Health of indigenous peoples; Pharmaceutical services

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