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Socioeconomic, demographic and lifestyle factors associated with eating patterns of shift workers


The scope of this paper was to identify the main eating patterns of shift workers and to associate them with socioeconomic, demographic and lifestyle variables. Men between 20 and 60 years of age, workers of a metallurgical company in the state of Ceará, were studied. Eating patterns were identified by factorial analysis by major components, followed by varimax orthogonal rotation. Poisson regression was used to estimate the prevalence ratios (PR) of the variables in relation to dietary patterns. Three patterns were identified: standard northeastern, popular and western. Employees of the night shift and those who smoke or have smoked showed less adherence to the common northeastern pattern, while those who consume or have consumed alcoholic beverages showed greater adherence. For the popular, the highest adherence was of employees with higher education, residents in the company’s headquarter city and who only consumed alcoholic beverages in the past, while individuals with better Brazilian economic classification showed lower adherence. Older men and smokers had lower adherence to the western standard. Knowledge of these variables associated with the eating patterns identified may support the planning of healthy eating practices in the group studied.

Night shift work; Food consumption; Socioeconomic factors

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