Open-access Assistance programs for physical activity in Brazilian schools: a review based on the RE-AIM model


The analysis of physical activity (PA) assistance programs is of major importance to ensure progress in the area. The Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance (RE-AIM) tool has been broadly disseminated in the literature. This study set out to identify PA assistance programs among Brazilian students and analyze them using the RE-AIM tool. The search was conducted in the Lilacs, SportDiscus, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCOhot, PsycINFO and PubMed databases. After thoroughly researching titles, abstracts and studies, 15 articles (seven PA assistance programs) were included. The programs were conducted in the past decade at public schools in the South and Southeast of Brazil. Multicomponent (education and teacher training) strategies were used with positive results in the practice of PA. With respect to the results of the RE-AIM tool, it was found that the most reported dimensions were “reach” (74%), followed by “efficacy” (48%), “adoption” (43%), “implementation” (35%) and “maintenance” (5%). The indicators most frequently mentioned were those related to the internal validity of the program: demographic and behavioral information of the target population, method of identification of the target population, sample size, participation rate and number of organizational units involved.

Key words Physical activity; Health; Review; Programs; Adolescent

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