People with mental disorders play an important role in the mental health reform process, which involves the creation of new public policies, practices, knowledge, and ways of relating to this experience. Using a guiding question addressing the history of child and adolescent mental health in Brazil and the participation of child and adolescent mental health service users in the policy construction process, a narrative literature review was undertaken framing the main policy developments and advances in this area within the overall context of the Brazilian mental health reform. A search of technical, institutional, and legal documents in the thematic area Mental Health was conducted using a national database. The material analyzed addressed milestones in child and adolescent mental healthcare, highlighting the paths taken in building this field. The article also discusses the participation of child and adolescent mental health service usersin this process in the form of a commentary. Finally, the article highlights the need to guarantee the participation of this group to enable them to play a leading role in the struggle for the construction and realization of rights.
Key words Mental health; Child; Adolescent; Public policy; Social participation