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Construction and validation of an instrument on the intended use of condoms among socially vulnerable women


The scope of this article is to build and validate an instrument to measure the intention to use condoms among women in a context of social vulnerability. It involved methodological research, the elaboration stage of which involved 111 women from a previous study, and the content validation stage had 166 participants, including female frequenters of a healthcare service, specialized referees and teachers. In the validation process, the Content Validity Index per Item, General Content Validity Index and Cronbach’s Alpha were used. The instrument included 29 items and had a General Content Validity Index of 0.99. The semantic validation resulted in the insertion of pictorial signs in the response scales. The pilot study generated Cronbach’s alpha of 0.61 (CI: 0.48-0.72). The validated instrument is a tool that can assist health workers and researchers in predicting condom use, providing input for preventive interventions towards safe sexual practices among women in situations of social vulnerability.

Key words:
Validation studies; Attitude; Social norms; Behavior; Condoms

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