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The public-private mix in the Brazilian Health System: financing, delivery and utilization of health services

This paper analyzes the public-private mix in the Brazilian Health System from the perspective of health care delivery, utilization and financing. Moreover, this quantitative study based on secondary data from official databases contemplates the subsidies granted by the government to the private sector. It shows the existence of some inequalities favoring the population having private health plans, a result of the peculiar participation of the private sector in the Brazilian Health System not only offering supplementary care but duplicating the coverage offered by the public system (called SUS). The analysis is made on the basis of the classification of public-private mix in Health Systems developed by the OECD in 2004, that helps understanding the kinds of inequalities occurring in each type of public-private mix. The inequalities that occur in the Brazilian system must be understood as the result of the duplicated coverage offered by the private market and of the weak public funding for the SUS while granting important subsidies to the private sector.

Public-private mix; Brazilian health system; Duplicated coverage; Supplementary healthcare; Financing; Utilization of health care

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