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Federal transfers to municipalities through parliamentary amendments: implications for SUS funding


The present article analyzes the transfers from parliamentary amendments by the Ministry of Health to municipalities to finance public health actions and services from 2015 to 2021. A descriptive and exploratory study was carried out with secondary data, including all Brazilian cities. Resources from amendments showed an increase, particularly from 2018 onwards, indicating the expansion of their relevance for financing SUS. From 2016 to 2021, over 80% was allocated to municipalities, representing 9.5% of all federal transfers, with 91.2% for operational expenses. Transfers from amendments differ from regular transfers due to greater instability and per capita variation among the amounts collected by municipalities and due to the fact that they allocate most resources to the Northeast and primary care to the detriment of the Southeast and medium and high complexity care. These transfers represent a differentiated modality of resource allocation in SUS that produces new distortions and asymmetries, with implications for intergovernmental relations, as well as between the executive and legislative powers, increasing the risk of the discontinuity of actions and services and imposing challenges for the municipal management.

Key words:
Healthcare Funding; Allocation of Healthcare Resources; Financial Resources in Health; Public Expenditures on Health

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