The scope of this paper was to analyze the prevalence of the types of delivery and associated factors in Brazilian women of childbearing age studied in the last National Demographics and Health Survey (NDHS). The study is a national domicile-based cross-sectional analysis, seeking to establish the characteristics of the female population of child-bearing age and of children under 5 years of age. The prevalence of the type of delivery was described according to the following exposition variables: Brazilian macro-regions, location of residence, age, skin color, nutritional status, education, prenatal health unit and place of delivery. The statistical significance (p<0,05) was evaluated using the chi-square test. The population studied consisted of 6.125 women. It was revealed that 42.9% of the women had a caesarean section. Significantly, the prevalence of caesarean section was smaller, irrespective of macro-regions, location of residence, age, skin color, nutritional status, prenatal health unit and place of delivery. The need for further investigation into the factors behind the increase in caesarean sections in Brazil is required in order to reverse this situation, since caesarean section can lead to a series of health complications for both mother and child.
Brazilian women; Type of delivery; Risk factors