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Care resignification in the pandemic context


This essay discusses the care process of health professionals in the context of COVID-19 from the perspectives of psychoanalysis, under the prism of Donald Winnicott’s transitional space, and of collective health, under the prism of the practical wisdom of José Ricardo Ayres, the micropolitics of live work in action by Emmerson Merhy, and prudent care by Ruben Mattos. It suggests elaborating a care perspective to propose a possible resignification of illness in a pandemic, where health is marked with calamity, health catastrophe, and suffering and anguish, whether in the body or subjectively. In this way, understanding the manifestation of care by health professionals in a pandemic context brought about with narcissistic and heroic meanings and feelings of impotence and helplessness contributes to elaborating a creative conception of care. We conclude that the perspective of expanded care favors the creative possibility of new productions of meaning and support for professionals, resignifying their life experiences through love, creativity, practical wisdom, prudent care, live work in action, and motor imaginary.

Key words:
Care; Anguish; Health Professionals and COVID-19

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