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The role of management councils of public polices: a debate on practices in the Municipal Councils of Chapecó, Santa Catarina State

In this work we analyze the effectiveness of social control from a study of attributions of Municipal Councils of: social assistance, children and teenagers' rights, health and, education in Chapecó city. The data was collected by the reading of official documents, application of questionnaires, systematic observation and a meeting in which the focus group technique was used. Five categories of action were found: to deliberate, to supervise, to regulate, to give assistance, to communicate, and other less frequents actions. The analysis of information revels an overcharge of attributions of bureaucracy, restricting the political debate on the role of councilors. Besides this, we question the legitimacy of the conferred attributions, considering the objective conditions of its participation: the volunteer character, non-remunerated; the restrict time of the meetings the lack of qualified and self-made physical and operational structure, and others. The Management Councils are the spaces of citizenship practice, what requires a bigger actuation in creation and strength of dialogue processes with different social actors, establishing a connection in the partner net in favor of dealing with social problems of the city and the construction of favorable conditions for life.

Social participation; Social control; Public polices management

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